So the pins come out and the cast comes off in four days (not nearly soon enough, in William's mind), and we're slowly returning to normal. But I'm left thinking that there's a knowledge gap when it comes to sulphite sensitivity , especially when I've had more than one medical professional look askance at me when I explain the difference between sulphites and sulphates, and that William's had anaphylactic reactions to the former, and not the latter. Anyway, there's definitely a gap in the knowledge base about sulphite sensitivity, a gap that really deserves to be filled, one way or another.
And we've managed through almost a month of crappy eating, injuries, illnesses, and travel to not have a single sulphite-related reaction. W00T! Let's hope that we see more of this in the future (crossing fingers).
And we've managed through almost a month of crappy eating, injuries, illnesses, and travel to not have a single sulphite-related reaction. W00T! Let's hope that we see more of this in the future (crossing fingers).