You'd think, with the prevalence and increased visibility of allergens, that people in the food service industry wouldn't look at you like you were from outer space when you ask about potential allergens and inquire about ingredients. You'd think that they would be able to provide an ingredients list, or at least tell you whether or not a product contains one of Health Canada's identified top nine food allergens. Well, don't hold your breath. It's not going to happen.
We drove into the city this morning to get supplies to make pies for this evening's Fowl Supper. As we were leaving the grocery store, I thought it would be nice to grab a cup of coffee and a treat for the boys for the drive home. I ordered my coffee, then inquired about ingredients in their baked goods. Not only did the woman serving me have no idea about the ingredients of what they were selling, she tried to sell me product anyway, even after I informed her that one of my boys had an potentially anaphylactic sensitivity to sulphites. When I asked if there was an ingredients list online, she had no idea. None. Grrrr ....
So I took my (overpriced but convenient) coffee and left, with her wondering why I wasn't going to buy anything else from her. Go figure. I've since emailed the company to ask about an ingredients list, but I'm certainly not counting on a helpful response. And I find it rather ironic that their online "nutritional information" directs customers to ask store staff for further information. *meh*
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