Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I feel like the food police

The boys both have bronchitis, so we spent far longer at the doctor's this afternoon to get prescriptions for both of them.  While waiting, a little boy about two wandered over to watch my boys play in the iPad (which is, by the way, the *best* child-waiting entertainment device ever!).  No problem, he wasn't touching, was just watching, not really getting into their personal bubbles, so I went back to marking.

Then the boy offered William a cookie, which William took.  I felt like I was in one of those slow-motion movie sequences, where the disaster is about to happen and there's nothing you can do about it.  I managed to stop him, reminded him nicely that he couldn't eat anything unless Mommy or Daddy told him it had no sulphites, then had to take him and scrub his hands, all the while trying not to over-react and become *that* shrill allergy mom.

The mother of the little boy was quite offended at how I reacted.  Considering I managed not to make a big fuss (and let me tell you I certainly felt like it), I wasn't too happy about that.  I was polite, but trying to explain a complicated food sensitivity to someone who is (1) not interested and (2) doesn't speak English as a first language is an exercise in frustration and futility.

We're trying to keep things as normal as possible for William, but it's so hard some times, especially when other people just don't *get* it.  And I'm getting frustrated at having to explain myself over and over and over.  *sigh*

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